Thursday, July 21, 2005

backlash against bloggers?

First, Cassandra (see post below)


"I need your help, my smart blog readers. This hacker deleted all 3,000 emails of mine, as well as all my blog entries of 2 years. This is very serious. He could have copies of all my emails, which contain private and sometimes classified information about companies as well as individuals."

Xiaxue's site has been hacked and the hacker(s) did quite an amount of damage. I would think that her password was compromised during the bloggers' conference last weekend. Wireless access comes at a higher security risk. So for those who surf at Starbucks or McDonald's, please do so with caution. And the catchword for this IT-not-so-savvy generation is: BACKUP

Looks like bloggers in 1984-ville are not having a good day...

*update* - wonktong's site has been hit, too. It's up and running now. There's a very bored kid out there.


Anonymous said...

and now this sick hacker has got Wonky Tong's as well!! Wonky Tong is like a daily reading material to me!!! i cannot live without a dose of Wonky Tong!! :( SICK HACKER!!!!!!!! I HOPE THEY DELETE ALL YOUR BLOGS/EMAILS/ASSIGNMENTS!!!! :@ :@ :@

Shellen Chai said...

how to backup ah??

andrew said...

yl: and the person who did that to wonkytong was her colleague, a case of copycat hacking. wonder why her company gives them so much free time...

keepsaker: i usually do it manually, copying and pasting the entries but blogspot has a tutorial that teaches users how to, a bit complex but do-able, go to

ryan: thanks for the link!