Condolences to the family & friends of
Kenzo Tange, one of a very short list of truly great post-war designers. Looking through his (and his associates') body-of-works, I was surprised to find that not only was he responsible for Singapore's characteristic skyline...
...(minus The
Monstrous Durian Esplanade), other works include the
Nanyang Technological Institute,
UE Square and the
Singapore Indoor Staidum. Looks like 1984-ville could be nicknamed Tange-san-ville too!
Probing deeper, I suspect the intimate link between Tange-san and 1984-ville could be traced to a more personal tie between him and another architect of sorts, although many would dispute my calling the latter that. In this age where it's almost hip to spout anti-establishment slogans,
LKY still deserves his reputation as the architect of post-colonial 1984-ville. Think about it, he brought in Tange-san during the 1970s and flipping through the papers today, it looks like Singapore's landscape would be changing on a large scale again with the
damming of the Marina Basin, which was his idea.
(source: is
recommendation from the man that the Jurong West area would be modified, too (
info source: The Straits Times, 23 March 2005 headline article). Not many know that the
10-year clean-up of the Singapore River was ordered by LKY.
Sometimes I wonder how much of post-colonial Singapore is the vision of one man.
1984-ville indeed...