Good thing there isn't any lesson today although I like Fridays in school because it's a relaxing, dress-down day.
Anyway, remember this...?

Screenshot from Martin Brenner's website
Sure brings back lots of memories. It was one of the very first RPG game to capture my attention in the 80s when the Apple IIe was still working. Back during the pre-copyright days, games were usually sold on 5-inch floppies at 3 bucks a piece. I remember paying $12 for this game (in early 80s currency when one may buy a packet of chicken rice for 1/10 that price). 4 disks in all: Britannia, Towne, Dungeon and Boot. I remember huddled in the laundry room (converted into my private study) of the old apartment in River Valley, playing it late into the night.
And it came without a manual. No cloth map either. You know, they say kids are really creative because they've not been tainted by boxed-in thinking styles of adults. Yes, I can attest to that because I completed the game even without any instructions or map. Hack, I'd even made a rough pencil sketch map by sailing a ship around the game world and walking about aimlessly. I remember a wave of pride swept over me when I finally saw the map (on the boxed set of Ultima 5) and how similar it was to my self-made version. In fact, mine was "better" because it contained my own notes on where the "hidden" stuff were & where game monsters were likely to appear.
Like fire, nostalgia is a good servant but a bad master. Think I'll go rest in bed for the rest of today.
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