Photo from Google
... and in fact, applicable to most electrical appliances on reservist duty.
1. Never use a mobible phone while perched on top of a 19-tonne armoured vehicle.
2. Never use a mobile phone with greasy hands while positioned in 1.
3. Never attempt to fumblingly try to catch a mobile phone after it slips from you because of 2. while positioned in 1.
4. Never delay in retrieving the mobile phone from the ground after 3. has happened due to 2. while positioned in 1.
5. Never move the said vehicle before doing 4. after 3. has happened due to 2. while poitioned in 1.
6. Finally, it is preferable that if 5. occurs, avoid contact between mobile phone and the tracks of a 19-tonne armoured vehicle.
7. To avoid all of the above, borrow your buddy's mobile phone while on reservist.
8. Never lend your mobile phone to your buddy while on reservist.
were you doing 7 or 8?
sounds like reservist was fun and you probably thought long and hard abt this!
omg!!! this could be worse than me getting my samsung d500c stuck in the hinge of a door of a corrolla altis and attempting to slam it shut twice.
by accident of course.
anyone has a free cell phone to let go? for free? pretty please :-)?
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