Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Being married

So the first year of marriage has come and gone. Should think of some nice stuff to do with Wifey. It's a bit difficult with Faith crying for attention when Wifey's out of her sight.


It's a curiosity here where, for many couples, the day of their wedding ceremony does not coincide with the date of marriage registration. We often hear two terms:

1. ROM
2. "Traditional" ceremony

Questions like:

When's your ROM?
When's the ceremony?

would mean something only if you've been living here for some time.

As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing traditional about the "traditional" ceremony. It consists mostly of getting all stressed up over organizing some pseudo-lavish banquet where a blur of faces flash around before collapsing either in deep fatigue or drunken stupor.

So much of tradition...

Anyway, I'm rambling. Gotta go work...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Bro! God bless.

Anonymous said...

So...what's ROM you??? Curious from a single person.