Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Crisis point

Spent most of last night's sleeping hours fretting about career directions in 2008. Having a family to support limits the options available. Irregular paycheck but exciting stuff? Probably not.

Had a minor epiphany when looking back at my working life. You know how some people put more energy into a second career (hobby?) than their day jobs? I'm exactly like that. Somehow, an after-hours job generates more passion. Maybe I'm highly unsuited for a regular 9-to-5 life. Unfortunately the pay from such work sucks, big time. It wasn't that much of a problem living as a bachelor. Perhaps this is what they mean by family life.

Photo credit:

We will see how things unfold in 2008. I'm keeping my cards close this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha my sentiments as well! only diff is both my "job" is like what some people would say "tah-glam lah", guess i've to adjust my view of life...