Thursday, April 22, 2010

The human nature behind disasters

So airlines are demanding compensations and questioning the need for the closure of airspace over Europe.

Read this article -->

Funny how we react to disasters, actual and potential.

Nobody saw the need for stringent security measures before 9/11. Something happened, then we reacted.

Nobody knew what might happen to modern civilization at the stroke of midnight on Jan 1, 2000. But the millenium bug turned out to be an entomological and technical non-entity. People questioned the time, effort and money spent on preventing nothing.

So now, because nobody was injured or killed, and no plane was as much as scratched by volcanic ash (due more to the flight ban rather than actual flying), airlines and passengers are up in arms.

To anyone who's making noise, I dare them to sit in a plane flying through volcanic cloud.

Nobody is going to use my tax dollars to pay for the lost profits and bonuses of airlines and their CEOs.

For more than once, the right decision was made and nobody saw the need.

Human nature, it's a curious thing.

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