Unbeknownst to myself, I had been perishing of late. Not from want of food or water but from leading an aimless life. Having a child has put a lot of things in perspective and I've been searching (albeit in a staccato manner) for an aim in life.
1. Loving my wife
2. Bringing up kids
3. Carve a career
4. Go to church
It's seemingly all about me. Maybe that's the way it starts. It's about me, learning to give up self-consciousness before taking up Divine appointment. One step at a time. No claims to any inheritance. Just like the other guy in the queue. Not distinguished from anyone. Nobody.
G and I were having drinks with D & his family last night. I have admiration for what D does in his line of work, which is customer service, more often known for attending to the complaints of the average Singaporean with a nouveau riche attitude. He spoke of the pettiness of everyday people, which is a reflection of what goes on inside my head most of the time. And of how he forked out from his own pocket to please those folks. What if I were in his position? My pride is too big to be swallowed.
So, what do I want to do with my life here?

The slate is empty for the Master...
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