Monday, May 30, 2005

world class lesson in italics, strikeouts and hyper-linking...

Finally, someone of importance has noted the ever-clum.. efficient world class ticketing system that 1984-ville's world class train network imposes on its world class lemmings commuters. And we're indeed world class in our magnanimity and tolerance of such productivity-regulating systems. Imagine how commuters, who're late for their world class meetings and stuck at Raffles Place station, would have so much time for this...

Not happy? Go buy a car, it's only $40,000 for the cheapest 1-litre model, plus season parking's only $70 a month. With petrol cartels companies supplying costly competitively-priced fuel, road taxes & world class electronic toll gates keeping our world class roads jam-free, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??! What? Don't want to pay 5 figures for a piece of toilet paper that gives you the right to buy cars? My, my, you're indeed picky...

World cr class, my rear-end, indeed...

1 comment:

Spirit Fingers said...

It's hard being world class isn't it! Oh well, even at its worst, the Singapore transport system is miles ahead of somewhere like Sydney (hell class).