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..don't really match up. That's so very true of driving school and what transpires on the roads everyday. Do I signal before filtering? Do I stop at every stop sign? What about letting some other car filter in front of mine when it signals? *snigger*
So that much is the feeling that runs through most of my colleagues' minds during pedogogical training 2 weekends ago. There will be 2 more weekends of such training. *yawn* Can't really say anything much because I'm not a bona-fide certified teacher, just some two-bit con artist making some dough every month.
Anyway, after winging my way through class for 6 months I really think most education trainers and the training methods are out of touch with what goes on in reality. Much like the disparity between what is mapped on a sand-table and the hell the goes on in the trenches of war. I just read D-Day by Stephen Ambrose, the guy who wrote Band of Brothers on which the TV series was based. They don't really teach you how to react when the guy next to you gets blown up, much like how we don't get taught how to deal with students who:
1. Eat their test papers
2. Hug pillars
3. Walk around with their flies unzipped
Ah...the wonders of dealing with socially-clueless kids...
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