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There's a virus running loose in wifey's & my stomach. Came down with fever on Friday night, diarrhea over the weekend and still feeling the effects of it today while wifey is sick in bed, having diarrhea & vomitting.
Stomach flu is quite debilitating. Let's hope that Faith doesn't get it.

Logo from IBFAN website
Wifey took part in World Breasfeeding Week activities organized by Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group in Singapore. It was interesting to see families from different walks of life turning up in Tampines West CC. Given the importance of breastfeeding, especially in the face of aggressive marketing of formula milk, the event would have reached more people had it been held in a shopping mall in town. But it's difficult to get sponsorships from big companies when the activity that you're promoting (i.e. breastfeeding) does not directly result in large-scale consumer spending. Think about it, how much are you spending on formula milk per week? A can of Enfalac HA for 0-12 months costs about $15 and lasts about 10 days. That's $45 a month excluding visits to the family doctor (I leave it up to you to figure the link between formula milk and visits to the family doctor). Compare that with how much a family would have saved by breastfeeding. It doesn't make commercial sense for big-name companies to sponsor such an event.
Well, to paraphrase someone, it's about doing small things with big love and not about doing big things with little love.
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