Saturday, September 02, 2006

Conversations with elite students

Teacher: Could you hand me that scissors please?

Student: (passing scissors over, sharp end first) Here.

T: Hey, don't you know how to pass scissors around safely

S: How?

T: Pass it with the handle first, like you would a knife. Didn't anyone show you? (groan)

S: (protesting) Yah, knife I know, but nobody taught me how to handle scissors!

T: (writhing on the floor, spewing blood)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wahahahahaha!!!! whil you are at it, please also teach them that the same goes for chopper, screwdrivers... but then again, why not just tell them that all things with sharp edges should be pass with the blunt end first... uh oh... cannot... wat if one fine day they have to pass someone a cactus??? would they pass it pot-first with the cactus facing inwards and the soil on the floor?? :P