Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Alan Johnston

Source: gilesbooth

It's been more than 3 weeks since BBC Correspondent Alan Johnston disappeared in the Gaza Strip. Let's hope he gets released soon. You may be wondering why I choose to make a note of his disappearance and not of others. That's because of a certain fondness I have of BCC broadcasts. Growing up with a Mandarin-speaking family, BBC radio transmissions at 88.9FM was a major influence on my English language proficiency. Not only that, they accompanied me through lonely teenage moments and became a window through which I could see the world.

Here are some more details on the abduction of Alan Johnston:

Reporters sans frontieres


I've started a timer in the side-bar, under "Media links", to track the number of days since his abduction. Let's hope cooler heads prevail.


1 comment:

charcoal.satsuma said...

he's been freed today... 16 weeks - 114 days