Sunday, August 26, 2007

3-month hiatus

Maybe I've reached a point where I'm done experimenting with blogs. Maybe I prefer to share things face-to-face. Maybe there's nothing noteworthy to write about. Maybe I'm just a bad writer.

Whatever it is, this past 3 months of silence (online, at least) got me reflecting about what really was going on when I wrote about things that happened to me, my thoughts etc. I don't miss blogging. Things that I needed to share were shared with Wife & friends.

Maybe it's the end of the line as far as this blog space is concerned. I've enjoyed reading what others wrote. Their writings made me think, mostly about how diverse opinions can be. I suppose if I had a burning issue, I would maintain some form of consistent online presence. Given that I'm not living in a war zone nor under an overtly dictatorial political regime, I don't see a need to write about things happening around me. My thoughts are still there. I just don't see the point of sharing them online. After all, there is only so much one can go on bitching about how the social security system is continually screwed and how disempowered the citizenry really is.

On a personal note, the en-bloc demon has finally claimed the old estate that I used to live in. Rather sad to see it go under the wrecker's ball. Nothing is permanent here, especially not in the face of monetary gains. I dream of a little cottage with a spacious backyard by the seaside. But even that is temporal in the grand scheme of things. Physical things are ephemeral. And I'm still on this spiritual journey until my number is called. Nobody knows when THAT will be.

Anyway, I'll let this space slide on for a while. Let's see what develops before the year is out.


charcoal.satsuma said...

bummer, i wonder if there are stats on this sort of thing;
"everyday ??? # of bloggers get started, but ??# fade out. Their voices are silenced"

or maybe, we should setup a charity or clinic to help bloggers blog again .... hmmm scam is cooking up

anyway, i will see you all in dec again and we can catch up then.....

Anonymous said...

eh, but i like reading your blog leh...take care man...cq