Checked in the hospital close to midnight on Wednesday with Wifey dilated at 2 cm. Obstetrician was optimistic about normal birth by the next morning. We were quiet relaxed and even had time to goof about in the labour ward.

Wifey with the nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas)
Serious contractions kicked in around 3am and the first of the painkilling devices was brought in - nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, to help Wifey cope with the pain. Although the formulation seemed to have changed quite a bit over the years and it smelled like the undigested contents of a drunkard's stomach.

Trying to help her cope with the pain of contraction
Anaesthetist came by at around 5 am (after my right arm was almost mutilated by Wifey's squeezing in synchrony with the contractions) and administered the epidural. The relief was palpable (mine, mostly).
Obstetrician came in later in the morning and it became apparent that Faith wasn't going to come out by the normal route because she was in Occiput Posterior (OP) position, meaning that her face, instead of the back of the head, would have to fit through Wifey's hip bones. The normal position, Occiput Anterior, is considered the normal and ideal. So we decided on caesarian section.

Healthy Faith at 6.3 lbs and 48 cm

Wifey was heavily sedated but still under only epidural for the c-section, turned to me and whispered, "Can we start breast-feeding now?" Trust her to stick by her

Everyone was happy and Wifey was up and about less than 24 hours after the surgery.

Although I wouldn't recommend doing what's in the next picture, especially just 20 minutes after they took off the drip...

Sure way to upset the obstetrician, ward nurses and all concerned. But it sure helps spread the message that keeping healthy during normal times has its advantages.
And so here I am with my little bundle, wishing the world for her.

All I can say now is Faith, go easy on the corny jokes in future.

WOW!!! Geraldine's such a BRAVE woman... Faith surely looks like her daddy, congrats congrats!!
WOOOOHOOOOOOOooo!!!!!!!! Congratulations on the new lively addition to your family!! and Faith is so pwetty a sleeping angel... wifey is such a trooper!! doing stretching exercises?!?! :| hey char bor!! the stitches still havent remove lei!! :P
hahaha corny jokes runs in the family..
oh ya, aft ur jia ru, the corny jokes hav bcome more jing cai le~!
I like the pix where papa carried baby faith in one swift arm with a glorious heroic like indiana jones. ;) take care, both u n geraldine k. rest n energise.
that's great news! wish i was there to say hello to faith
Andrew!! Congrats! Faith looks absolutely adorable. Give my best to Geri, will call her soon (like tmr! when it's a more decent hour haha!) - Esther
Weeeeee.... Faith, Aunty Lena,Dylan and Darryl saying HELLo to u. I didnt want to disturb mummy and u for the 1st month coz its the starting of bondings between daddy Andrew and mummy
Geraldine and lots of resting for an active mummy....OOOoopss
4got! I m 2 happy, congrats! to both of u. Haha...Sis, angel Faith looks exactly like u leh...& my mum said she looks exactly like u when u were this small...heeheee..
Okie rest well sis, not to worry
Andrew will do the housework so u have time to rest rite b'cos he is the only man in the house..haha!
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