Had lunch with an old acquaintence/friend/ex-schoolmate of mine who's more or less freed himself from the social shackles of being a "good" medical doctor. Thought provoking half-hour with him. Never knew anyone can really cruise through 5 years of
So, Zed, if you're reading this, my best wishes to you and your wife. I will remember the days when we ran the MacRitchie circuit together with the rest of the bunch during a kinder and gentler era.
On another not-so-nostalgic note, Faith is popping out soon. Wifey has ever-so-swollen feet. You know, after almost 9 months of this journey, all I wish is for this to be over and done with so we can get into the serious business of training our daughter into another social convention buster. I was just telling Wifey I wouldn't know how to react if our daughter wants to follow her dad and enrol in med school. Wifey, in her usual sage-like mood, replied, "Just do lah."
Right. Just do lah. Not in Singapore, not if I can help it. There were many things that I disagreed with in my years here and I don't think they changed much of it, given how entrenched mindsets are.
Ironic thing is that I've been given the task of teaching human physiology to a bunch of secondary school kids. Sigh. Just when I thought I had escaped the shackles of Guyton and Ganong...

Photos from Google image search
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