It's not the first time that 1984-ville has been affected by such occurences in other places. Remember the Nipah virus scare that hit parts of Malaysia back in 1998?
Which drives home the point about how vulnerable 1984-ville is and how much its denizens are NOT in control of their own destiny.
So much for all the bluster about making it great on our own strength and we can't even solve a porky problem.
Whatever it is, I'm sure the good people of Malaysia and China are quietly enjoying their pork, fresh or canned.

1 comment:
Oh my gosh, that's my fav luncheon meat too! There it goes, how awful!
Will i eat it again? What a struggle 'cos i luv it! And i still have a few cans in my kitchen heheheh! ;p
Juz a couple of curious qns:
1. would you keep feeding faith & family with maling luncheon meat with NO reservation (no doubt no question ever?), since we've all enjoyed it since young and have not suffered anything from it nw? Have u checked maling out and is totally confirmed guaranteed and for sure it's safe for faith, joy, family and all?
*How to be sure in the 1st place???
2. Why is 1984-ville so 'timid' like a coward????!
I would take it that it's being CAREFUL. n I'm thankful that it's careful (n even kiasu & kiasi!)...for I won't be able to check everything and dare DECLARE PUBLICLY n assume PUBLIC guarantee of everything totally safe for my family and all TO THE WORLD ALL THE TIME!!!! It's a great risk i'm too timid to take, no matter how much of riches i'm paid. I dun tink i can DECLARE and ANNOUNCE and BEAR PUBLIC!!!! SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY for ALL AND TO THE WORLD for my DECISIONS of the nation 'cos i really don't know everything and anything all the time always! (that's why maybe it's a paid job. So what if it's a paid job! we don't just work for the pay, dun we?!!!) I'm thankful for all the 'public decisions...that i may seek, question, find out and decide for myself in my life. ( I ain't no have to bear the public responsibility and scrutiny like them. Their riches dun impress me to bear what they have with mine.)
I'm thankful for what i have.
I'm thankful for them.
I'm thankful for what keeps than destroys.
And what keeps my family safe despite my means is what i appreciate and am always thankful of.
I'll check it out for sure and decide with my family. And, i'm always thankful for any alert! whether i believe it or not...for i can't always know it all....all the time, for sure!
I won't dare assume nor declare anything for sure unless i hold responsibility for it.
Hence, i'm thankful, someone helps 0me watch over food safety for my family. Someone built a pretty neat network of traffic to get me around tho'; CTE is always jammed at night and it costs alot more to travel by cab nowasdays! I'm thankful someone watches the weather and tells me several times in the day...so i may bring warm clothes for the kids and keep them chill in the scotching sun! I'm thankful i've got a roof pretty safe over my head...it wont topple and crash and be robbed like those in many countries tho' i've paid for it.
I'm thankful; i could check.
Thank God, mother nature has lotsa other stuff i can enjoy.
Life without maling luncheon meat is ok, just inconvenient with a bit of adjustment that's all. It's ok! There are more things in life than luncheon meat.
No luncheon meat, No worries! :)
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