My mum, proud as hell that I'd gained the status symbol of a studious boy, promptly took me to an optometry shop in Chinatown, where I was prescribed with a pair of spectacles. I remember they were around 100+ diopters (or "degrees") for each eye.
Looking back, that was about the most arbitrary process I have been medically subjected to. I became a myopic person all because of the Snellen Chart.
And so began my love-hate relationship with the eyeglass. I hate my dependence on them for all the usual reasons. Uncomfortable, slides off with perspiration, gets broken easily etc. There was only one reason for me to love them. They acted as a shield to my inner world. People say the eyes are the windows to the soul. I treated my glasses as a privacy screen. I used them as social camouflage, hiding emotions and ignorance. It is very easy to assume an intellectual, know-it-all air when you wear glasses. Answer this question: who's the geek, Bill or Steve? Must be the glasses giving one of them the geeky image.

More than the geek factor, it's uncommon to see eyeglasses used for fashion too (girls in glasses?). There's nothing wrong with it, really. If one looks better with a pair of square-frame glasses, then it's good - as long as it doesn't blur the eyesight out, of course. Anyway, I hope you did get the pair that will correct your myopia.
Amongst the different types of eye chart. why is it that Snellen Chart is the most famous?
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