Saturday, June 06, 2009

65 years on...

...and let's not forget the price that men paid to keep the world free.

Not only on the beaches of Normandy...

but also in the China-Burma-India theater...

Not a very well-known piece of WW2 history was the Second Chindit Expedition, conducted from February to August 1944. The expedition originated from Assam state in north-east India into Burma. Consisting of troops mainly from the 77th Indian Infantry Brigade. Their main mission was to wrest control of north Burma from the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army.

This area was where the famous Burma Road was located. The road itself, being the critical supply route from British India to Nationalist China bases in Yunnan, was overran by the Japanese army in 1942.

On June 6 1944, the climatic battle for north Burma began. The 77th Brigade was given the objective of taking the city of Mogaung and liberating the Burma Road. The 77th was ultimately successful but suffered 50% casualty, not just in the battle that lasted 21 days but also from disease and malnutrition.

Lest we forget.

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