Saturday, June 27, 2015

The tenth leper

On 27 June, 2014, I left my previous job in Shanghai. The future was uncertain through my eyes. I had been asking God for a year off from work since 2011, and at the end of 2013 I made the decision to leave Shanghai. There was no plan for how I could feed my family without a regular salary. There were only two things on my mind - to reconcile with my mum, and to rest and recharge before continuing in China. One year, I asked God.

Today, 27 June 2015, as I look back. God has not only provided the daily bread, but also gave more than enough for me to clear the housing and car loans. Beyond money, He let me experience the children's homeschool experience, allowing me to see how my kids have grown in wisdom. Through long stretches of "doing nothing", He opened up conversation and intimacy between Wifey and me. He sent devoted and wise Christian brothers & sisters to encourage my family as we lived out a life that is rather unconventional for Singaporeans. And He reconciled me with my mother, whom I saw less than 10 times in the past 20 years

On 29 June 2015, I will re-enter the workforce, albeit on part-time basis. One year, I asked God. He has proven Himself faithful, even when I was unfaithful to Him.

Thank you, Lord, for considering me, the last, and Samaritan, leper.

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