Thursday, January 07, 2010

Decent folks along the way

It's always the nice people that made things memorable at work.

I've been thinking about all the jobs that I've done. Then I realised that it's not the job per se but the people.

You can have either the most coveted or undesirable job in town but it doesn't matter. It's the nice folks that made things good.

I miss research days for the beer and makan sessions with a crazy gang who chased after the weirdest of things on Earth.

I miss the civil service for the nice aunty who always had good words in tough situations.

I miss hospital days for the guys who could play computer games all day, pass the finals AND shared tips with me on how to beat the level monster.

I miss teaching in Singapore for the department which never called a meeting unless absolutely necessary.

I miss giving private tuition to the kids who couldn't solve a simple equation but wrote side-splitting commentaries about life.

It's the nice people. Always.

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