...hoping that I've got it correct, having returned all of my embryology knowledge to the pre-clinical lecturers. The body stalk is the beginnings of the umbilical cord while the amniotic membrane is what's commonly known as the "water bag" with the "water" filling the extra-embryonic space. Of course at 7 weeks, not everything's formed but it's really amazing that give him/her another 2 weeks and every organ and body part will have been formed, this is at the end of what's known medically as Carnegie stage 23 of the baby's development, the 1st trimester being divided into 23 stages, this site has a whole lot about Carnegie stages. For even more amazing pictures and diagrams of the developing human, visit The Visible Embryo website.
Well, now that Baby's expected to arrive around mid-November 2005, we're all conscious about what we eat and how we conduct daily routine. Just bought a whole bunch of vitamin B complex, C, folate and calcium pills. You know, I really wish we had the time to plan and cook our daily meals according to healthy guidelines but in fast-paced 1984-ville it's nearly impossible. Besides G's having weird food cravings and appetite's unstable so I'll probably wait until end of 1st trimester. Really thankful that she's not feeling nauseous or vomitting. When eating out, I've also adopted the strategy of waiting for her to finish her food, which she sometimes doesn't. I'll hold back to mop up the leftovers. Ha! This saves me from ordering too much food and keeps the pace of tummy development (mine, I mean) in check...
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