Just got 4 sets of scientific instruments. Boy, I tell you, these manufacturers make tons of profit from the mark-up prices of plastics... :-p

Some glam, Apple-lookalike instrument...
Anyway these are what are known as data loggers. Basically what mine does is they take temperature and humidity (that's how wet the air is, you know, that sticky, muggy sensation you get after it rains on a hot sunny day) readings at fixed time intervals. So I will be throwing these guys into the forest, leaving them alone for 2 days before retrieval. Wah...so scientific...so glam...so "Discovery Channel"....NOT!
With the red blinking LED light when switched on, I think the forest rangers are going to wonder if it's a suspicious package that goes BOOM...

...opps, what did I just activate?!...
So here's a view from Bt Panjang, across the 2 Peirce Reservoirs. In the horizon, you can make out some tall blocks situated along Upper Thomson Road. Singapore IS really that small...

Here's another composite photo of a nice picnic ground I found. Very quiet and sheltered from the roads. Opposite bank is the zoo, we could hear the tigers roaring occasionally. NM providing the foreground subject, pondering over the waters.

Click on the photo for a bigger view...
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