Tuesday, April 19, 2005

of IR radiation & harmful effects...

You know, it's funny how they made a mess and issue so much propaganda trying to justify the setting up of casinos in 1984-ville. Some have said that it's only 3% of the total area of the gambling dens Intergrated Resorts, or IR for short, but it's expected to generate almost all of the profit that's necessary to keep the entire country's economy afloat. If that's not an indirect admission of the hidden impact of a gambling centre being able to punch far above its weight, then it must be another statememt for the Think-Before-You-Speak campaign.

Some have mentioned that casinos are needed to remake Singapore, to make it unique or different from other cities around the world. Let's see....

Casino counts worldwide:
(click on underlined links for websites that provide these figures)

North America...1754
Asia...191 (excluding 1984-ville's)
South & Central America...276
Australia & islands in the Pacific...441

Grand total... 4486

Wow, I'm sure 2 casinos will make 1984-ville so damn unique...

Some others have said that even though the main religious groups in 1984-ville (namely Buddhists, Christians, Hindus & Muslims) have come out against the setting up of casinos, the good folks who run this country say that they should not listen to the voice of just one group of people (specifically the people who oppose it). Hmmm...let's see...

Singapore's population breakdown:
(by religious affinity)


Total... 76%

Oh well, doesn't matter, we have a 24% majority, so let's go ahead...

One other thing about the "only-3%-floor-space" for us to think about. They say the rest of the space within the gamling dens Integrated Resorts are good for family-fun, where we can pack our children off for a weekend of family bonding and other stuff. You know, some time back I bought rat poison to get rid of the rodent problem in my house. Now let's take a look at the ingredients of rat poisons...

Carbohydrates & protein (that's the good stuff)......99.999%
Rodenticide (that's the stuff that kills the rats)...0.001%

Hey, that bad stuff's only less than 1%. Wow, I didn't know rat poison was safer than casinos...let's do it baby!

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