Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"I'm the guy..." meme

I'm the baby who was born unwanted & out of wedlock, on a lonely Sunday in February.

I'm the infant whom you used as a pawn in family politics. I'm the infant whose worth was measured in terms of dollars and cents.

I'm the toddler who couldn't recognize you, my biological father, when you came by for a rare visit.

I'm the child whom you physically abused. I'm the child who bore the brunt of your discipline, which meant leaving hand-prints on my body.

I'm the kid who loved watching the world go by from the balcony of a 2-room rented flat and the same who cried when I saw you die in a road accident from the same vantage point.

I'm the pre-teen who became myopic because I spent too much time escaping into the fantasy world of books in the darkness of the night, in a frantic attempt to run away from a harsh adopted-family environment.

I'm the exam-smart pupil who topped my primary school PSLE to make it into Raffles Institution.

I'm the rugby player whom you insulted as lazy & cowardly. I'm the only person who valiantly jumped for every line-out ball and stoically put up with the dirty punching and kicking but never struck back because I wanted to play fair. I'm the despondent secondary two boy who cried quietly in the shower when we lost after playing so well, blaming myself for it.

I'm the class monitor who instigated trouble but the same who shielded you from the teachers during payback time. I'm the class monitor who taught you underhand tactics during the pushball competitions and the same who refused any credit for the victory.

I'm the smart-alec college punk who thought I knew everything about girls, only to be rejected very publicly. Twice.

I'm the disillusioned adopted-grandson who had to give up my teenage life and fun with friends, to look after you when most of your sons didn't seem to care, only to have you turn senile and not recognize me after all those years.

I'm the son who refused to join you when you migrated to Sydney. I'm the son who didn't understand why, after not having cared for me for so long, you thought you had the right to come into my life again to dictate what was good for me. I'm your son.

I'm the jaded 6-distinction 'A' level student who couldn't be bothered to respond to you when you offered me scholarships from so many agencies.

I'm the clueless medical student whom you threw out of class & clinic because of shoddy clerking. I'm the guy who prefered watching Malaysia Cup and hanging around Arts girls instead of mugging for the next test. I'm the disillusioned one who left the profession.

I'm the confused youth who walked out of a loveless but socially atas engagement and the same who endured recriminations and accusations all-round.

I'm the disaffected civil servant who saw you discriminate against non-white people, enough to drive me away from the good pay & job security that you offered.

I'm the determined researcher who gave up many career options, just so I may study forestry and nature in an urban jungle that is 1984-ville.

I'm the guy who married you after an intense 6-month courtship, the same guy who knows a beautiful lady when I see one.

I'm the father of Faith, Hope & Rainbow, all rolled into one big promise from You, You who plucked me out of the squalor and gave me dignity time and again.


mercermachine (the original)
mr miyagi
cowboy caleb
kenny sia

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