What was the Chinese proverb again? Oh yeah, 祸不单行, or should I say about this 2 events, 双喜临门...
I'm thinking, maybe I should write in to Ikea and ask them to put a warning notice on all heavy furniture packings. Something like "Warning: heavy object. May cause injury." Much like McDonald's with their hot drink warning on coffee cups.

The offending piece

Instead of just a small print about the weight.
Should've checked the packaging (31kg!) carefully before doing my imitation of Hercules. Anyway, I think the next pic will scandalize everyone, bearing in mind that Wifey's in her third trimester...

Wifey showing me how Herc himself would've done it
Bought a colourful playpen too...

Makes me wanna jump in myself.
Thanks to all friends who've shown concern. I'm much better after visiting the Chinese physician at 马光, who did some serious 推拿 (cheem word for massage). But to me, it became more like scream therapy...
Physician: 放松
Me: Owwww
Physician: 放松!
Me: Owwww!
Physician: 放松!!
Me: Owwww!!
did you drive away all the business @ Ma Guang with your "Owwwww"s??
btw, wifey looks like a real happy mom, ya??
oh dear!! Do take care of urself esplly G needs u more .... to CARRY stuff lor!! :D
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