Monday, October 27, 2014

The vanity of stressing over school

Was talking to my uncle the other day. He's someone who epitomizes 孟母三遷, moving to Melbourne 6 years ago for the sake of his children's education. To cut the story short, his kids were not doing well in school in Singapore. But after moving here, they completed high school at a slower pace. The older sibling finished his NS last year and is in university now while the younger is awaiting enlistment in a month's time.

The part that should get the attention of friends back in Singapore is that the elder kid applied for NUS, and was given a place without having to ace the 'A' level, and without having to fulfil a Mother Tongue requirement. The two kids went through what you'd describe as an average high school experience in Melbourne, and got average Year 12 grades.

And before you say it, no, his dad, my uncle, isn't some rich guy by a long shot. He had to work two jobs and weekends to make ends meet after obtaining his residency in Melbourne. In fact, he is set on giving up his PR in Australia to return to Singapore once his younger kid enrols in university in two years' time, saying he can't get used to life here.

What price is our children paying for that precious A* or A1?

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