Never mind.
Presenting...(drum roll)...Baby's photo in 4-colour format. Yes, for those of you who don't know, black and white are colours too. So who said we only had colour transmission since 1974...heh...

Some explanations here...
The "femur" is the thigh bone. The "os" is the opening of the cervix. Well, the cervix is more like a channel, meaning that it has 2 openings, one facing the outside and one facing inside, hence the term "internal" (i.e. the one facing inside lah...)
Go here for a diagram to make sense of things...
The placenta's pretty far away from the os, which is a good thing. Had been worried that it might be too close or even covering it, which is a condition known as placenta previa. Some women were known to bleed profusely, even mortally, from this. It's not something that you'd want to have, trust me...
Baby's spinal column seems to have grown quite nicely, excluding a condition that's known as spinal bifida. It happens when the baby's backbone doesn't close properly over the spinal cord during the early stages of pregnancy. For a photo of it, go here (NOTE: PICTURE MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME VIEWERS) . So to all mothers-to-be out there: never, ever skip the folic acid pills. If you do, take lots of WHOLE grain (not white rice, but BROWN rice), vegetable (especially spinach), meat (especially beef & pork liver) and dairy products...
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