Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Getting fit...

So I bought an incredibly light, sweat-proof backpack for the crazy idea of running home from work every evening. Sounds crazy but it's not THAT far a distance. After all, 1984-ville's small enough that everywhere's within walking distance...eventually.

Had my first trial yesterday, sort of. Ran from Lower Kent Ridge Road to Holland Drive then discovered that I had to get some grocery for wifey. Never mind, so I detoured by taking a bus (hey, it was an emergency ok!) to the nearest
NTUC Fairprice with moderately fresh stuff. After making my way through the treacherous check-out lines, I figured that I was needed at home in real quick time to fix dinner for wifey. So I decided to wait for Bus 14.

20 minutes later...and still no sign of lucky 13+1. Got pretty much fed up, decided to stuff the grocery into my newly-acquired backpack (heck with the fresh-produce smell) and made off for home on foot. The ironical thing was that I touched the bus stop outside of home just as Bus 14 pulled up. So it does take longer for public transport compared to a very private form of commuting. I guess I could really say, finally, after pseudo-scientific (and literally exhaustive) testing that...

public transport fee hikes justified?...MY FOOT!

Let me know again when I can actually get home faster on the bus than on my lead-weighted foot & underpowered clogged-up lungs...

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